Has the pandemic pushed production one way or the other at your facility? Chances are there has been an increase in production as materials, reliable staffing, and demand for goods have seen upticks.
With late Summer upon us, the time to plan for increased odor output at your industrial manufacturing facility has now passed. The time to act is now!
In manufacturing, production, food processing, rendering, and wastewater treatment, odor output will increase due to the following:
- Lagoon clean outs
- Increases in heat and humidity
- Increased manufacturing and production (rendering and food processing)
- Additional waste at landfills and transfer stations
Industrial manufacturing and production facilities continue to have a growing awareness of nuisance odors, plant equipment corrosion, and health hazards associated with organic odors from process and waste streams. This is due to the toxicity and chemical nature of various odorous compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, and ammonia.
The concentration of the various odor compounds is dependent upon several factors:
- Temperature
- Weather conditions
- Wind flow direction
- Microorganism count
- Organic loadings
- Residence time in the wastewater treatment process
Don’t Fall For Deodorants
There are many odor control products currently available, but in our research, we find they fall short in one of two areas:
- They act merely as a deodorant, masking odors without addressing the elimination of the potentially toxic gases
- They eliminate the odorous gas by introducing a hazardous compound
What is ROX-92 (and Why)?
A Rendering Plant in the Southeast U.S. were receiving odor complaints until they installed Aulick’s ProFlo Vapor Distribution System utilizing ROX-92.
What is ROX-92?
ROX-92 is a vapor odor absorption chemistry. There are situations in every industry where odors reach the airborne state. At this point, airflow can carry the odor in any direction. ROX-92 was developed with the realization that odors will transfer from liquid to air.
ROX-92 is a compounded material utilizing absorption and adsorption of odorous compounds such as hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, and ammonia. ROX-92 reacts with the anions available on nitrogen and sulfur compounds to produce a non-odorous environment.

Why ROX-92?
In the ProFlo VDS, ROX-92 is transformed from liquid to a vapor wall that is naked to the human eye. There are also significant advantages to using the ProFlo VDS and ROX-92 for odor control needs including:
- No wet mist
- No freezing issues as temperatures drop in Fall and Winter
- Avoidance of chemical fallout, which is widespread in fogging or misting applications