Is A Hydrogen Sulfide Study Right For Your Collection System?

related product(s)
Odor Control for Hydrogen Sulfide Prevention
Force Main Stripper
A Versatile Oxidant
Hydrogen Sulfide Removal

Benefits of a hydrogen sulfide study:

  • Prevent odor/corrosion in the collection system
  • Eliminate community and residential odor complaints
  • Locate potential illegal waste dumping in the collection system
  • Avoid damage to utility infrastructure
  • Understand odor source origin
  • Provide vital data on wastewater to pretreatment coordinator
  • Protect health and safety of collection system workers as well as community

Aulick offers complete mapping of your collection system as a service in regards to odor detection, monitoring, and reporting to our customers.

Find out where your odor/corrosion issues are originating from and how to prevent.

If you’re a utility in Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, West Virginia, or anywhere in the Southeastern U.S., contact Aulick today to schedule a site visit for hydrogen sulfide odor/corrosion source testing.

Utility Pipe Corrosion Due To Untreated Hydrogen Sulfide
Corrosion from hydrogen sulfide destroys utility piping.

Understanding Residence Time

As economic development continues to expand, miles of additional sewer lines are installed to accommodate infrastructure growth.

New sewer lines are often oversized to compensate for these rapid changes in population.

Larger sewer lines lead to a greater residence time of wastewater flow which in turn leads to greater and more dangerous levels of hydrogen sulfide.

In addition to residence time, agitation, temperature, and microorganism and sulfate count greatly affect hydrogen sulfide levels. 

Understanding Illegal Dumping

Illegal dumping of waste is a major (and expensive) issue facing wastewater treatment and collection system personnel today. This unauthorized dumping can lead to excessive nitrogen and bacteria levels at the treatment plant and comes in the form of:

  • Fat and grease from the restaurant industry
  • Blood and feces from animal processing facilities
  • Meat-processing waste
  • Industrial waste
  • Fracking wastewater
  • Chemicals

Dangers of hydrogen sulfide exposure

Aulick is a service-based company providing much more than chemicals. We understand the dangers associated with hydrogen sulfide exposure and work with your collection system and plant personnel to mitigate the problem by finding the source and focusing on prevention. 

If you are a utility in Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, West Virginia, or anywhere in the Southeastern U.S., contact Aulick today to schedule a site visit for hydrogen sulfide odor/corrosion source testing.

Let's discuss your chemical needs.